A Tool for Designing Bar Structures
Every structure designed with Ebe is described in a .ebe file. These files are used as input data to configure a jMetal problem that can be solved with many of the provided multi-objective metaheuristics.
In this page, we include some structures, providing for each of them:
Problem name | Description | Figure | .ebe file | Pareto front approximation |
Bridge25N35B8G | Mobile cable-strayed bridge with 25 nodes, 35 bars, 8 groups | File |
Algorithm: NSGA-II |
Bridge33N221B33G | Cable-strayed bridge with 133 nodes, 221 bars, 33 groups | File |
Algorithm: NSGA-II |
The optimization of the structural design problems with jMetal requires to follow these steps:
The encoding of the solutions of the Ebes problems is real, so most of the multi-objective metaheuristics provided by jMetal can be applied.
Depending on the complexity of the problem, the total running time of an optimization can be very high. Some examples:
Computer: MacBook Pro, 2.2GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3, MacOS X 10.9.2, Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-ea-b94)
The current implementation of Ebes problems in jMetal is not thread-safe, so multithreaded algorithms such as pMOEAD, pNSGAII, and pSMPSO cannot be used.